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电动巡逻车蓄电池在使用一年半以后,往往会出现容量下降、性能衰减和过热等现象,此时,应更换整组或某单格电池。时间证明,电动巡逻车蓄电池的使用寿命不能拿使用年限来衡量,它与用户使用条件和运行状况,即与蓄电池的放电深度有关/newshow.asp?nid=743&lid=83通常情况下,出现以下现象则可判断蓄电池寿命终结:电动巡逻车蓄电池实际放电容量低于其额定容量的百分五十到六十,且经过维护后容量无明显上升。电动巡逻车蓄电池在充、放电过程中严重发热。此时说明蓄电池可能存在极板活性物质严重脱落,内电阻增加等状况。 若打开安全阀会看到电解液“发黑”,自放电快,严重失效时难以修复。蓄电池各种性能大幅度下降,例如充电不到30min就会充满,行驶不到30km就没电了,而且易出现蓄电池各部件受热变形,产生短路或断路现象,甚至发生爆裂等故障。为此,寿命终结的电动巡逻车蓄电池禁止使用,予以报废。通常来说,电动巡逻车蓄电池的使用寿命长达2-3年,不过有部分车主由于平时的一些不良用车习惯会导致蓄电池提前损坏,不得不进行更换,所以我们平时也一定要养成良好的用车习惯。下面就列举三种常见的不良用车习惯...车辆熄火前不关空调,不少的车主在电动汽车熄火前都不习惯去关空调;在下一次启动时,空调会随着电动巡逻车的启动而同时开启。但这种不良习惯也是会对蓄电池产生损害的。如果空调在熄火前没有关闭,在下一次启动车辆时空调会自动随着发动机的启动而启动,这会导致车辆瞬间功率过高,蓄电池负荷过大,长久反复多次对蓄电池是一种损耗。因此我们在熄火前,应该尽量将车上能关的电器设备例如空调、收音机等都关闭,这样下次车辆启动时不会导致蓄电池瞬间负荷过大,从而保护蓄电池。下车忘关灯或车载电器设备,以前停车熄火后忘关大灯是常见的,也因此导致很多车主第二天蓄电池电量耗光,车子发动不了。不过随着汽车产品的优化,熄火后大灯如果没关会有声音提示,或者有些车辆在熄火后半分钟内会自动将大灯熄灭,这样就减少了忘关大灯对蓄电池造成损害。但除了大灯,其它灯光例如车内阅读灯或者其它车内电器设备如果熄火后忘记关掉,可能经过一夜之后也会造成蓄电池深度亏电启动不了车子。遇到这种情况如果有条件的情况下可以尝试为蓄电池充电,直至可以启动汽车为止。否则有可能需要更换蓄电池。与其花大钱更换蓄电池,还不如平时就养成良好的习惯。不着车情况下大量使用用电设备曾经有一朋友在路上车胎被扎了,在换备胎的过程中他朋友在车内一边悠哉的听着歌一边开着空调。等到备胎换好之后,才发现车辆启动不了了。原因就是因为车上空调和影音设备将蓄电池的电量全都耗光。后不得不叫拖车。很多人在停车场或者是路边等朋友时,经常会一边听着歌一边等。但为了省点油,往往会将发动机熄灭,这时影音设备损耗的就是蓄电池的电量,很可能会将蓄电池电量耗光导致终启动不了车辆。由于车内空调系统以及影音系统都是耗电量较大的电器设备,如果时间一长很可能就会导致蓄电池亏电着不了车; 就算时间不长,经常这样不着车使用电器设备也会损坏蓄电池,终会导致蓄电池提前报废。电瓶观光车主要靠蓄电池提供动力来行驶,因此,电瓶观光车蓄电池的日常维护与保养十分重要,它关系着电瓶观光车能否安全、顺利的运行。下面介绍下电瓶观光车蓄电池维护保养常识。电瓶观光车电池的表面、连接线及螺栓应保持清洁和干燥。如有电解液应用棉纱擦去,再用清水冲洗并擦干(注意:在清洗过程中,严禁自来水进入电池内)以免漏电和增大自放电,导致电瓶观光车运行出现随机故障。电瓶观光车电池的连接必须保持良好。经常检查电池线的紧固螺母有无松动,以免引起火花或烧坏极柱。电池盖上不许放置金属导电物品,以免造成短路,烧坏电池。电池放电后(不论车辆行驶时间和运行公里数)都必须当天充电,不允许隔天充电或超过24小时充电,否则电瓶观光车电池使用寿命将受到影响。 电瓶观光车电池在使用过程中,由于电解液中水的电解及蒸发会造成密度升高及液面下降(尤其在夏季),所以应经常检查,加蒸馏水(缺水会严重影响电池使用寿命)。电池中电解液的液面应与高液面线“max”平。注意:加水应在充电末期进行,加水后应继续充电0.5―1小时,使内部均匀一致。电池内不准落入任何杂质。加水用的器具应保持清洁,以免将杂质带入电瓶观光车电池内。司机行驶过程中,要随时观察电池仪表的指示(仪表盘上电压表指针降至40v时必须停止运行,及时充电),估计电瓶观光车的行驶里程,以免充电时车辆不能及时返回充电,造成电池放电过量,缩短使用寿命。若车辆长时间不用,应将电池充满电后存放,并且每15天要均衡充电一次,充好电后,紧盖注液盖(检查透气孔有无堵塞,如有,应疏通)。铅酸蓄电池的寿命与充放电次数有关,达到一定次数以后,电池的容量会急剧下降,此时须更换新的电池,必须用同品牌、同容量、相近状况(充满电后,高电压的差值不超过0.1v)的电池组为一组。electric car battery in use after a year and a half, often appear capacity decrease and attenuation performance and overheating phenomenon, at this time, should replace the entire group or a cell. time proved that the battery life of electric patrol car can not be used to measure the length of service, it is used with the user's conditions and operating conditions, which is related to the depth of battery discharge/newshow.asp? nid=743&lid=83 under normal circumstances, the following phenomena can judge the battery life end: electric car battery discharge capacity is lower than its rated capacity of fifty per cent to sixty, and after the maintenance capacity after no obvious rise. electric patrol car battery during charging and discharging, serious heat. at this point, there may be a serious loss of the active material of the plate and the increase of the internal resistance. if you open the safety valve will see the "black", the electrolyte self discharge, serious failure to repair. battery performance is greatly reduced, such as charging less than 30min will be full of travel less than 30km, no electricity, and easy battery parts thermal deformation, produce a short circuit or open circuit failure or even burst phenomenon. to this end, the end of the life of electric patrol car battery is prohibited to be scrapped. generally speaking, electric car battery life for 2-3 years, but there are some owners because of some bad habits of the car usually will lead to early battery damage, had to be replaced, so we usually must develop good habits of the car. here are three common bad habits of the car... not turn off the air conditioning vehicle flameout, many owners in the electric car stalled before are not used to close the air conditioner; in the next startup, air conditioning with electric car startup and open at the same time. but this bad habit is also harmful to the battery. if the air conditioning is not closed before flameout, the next time to start the vehicle air conditioning will automatically start with the start of the engine, this will cause the instantaneous power vehicle is too high, too large battery load, long repeatedly on the battery is a loss. so we turn off before, should be able to shut the car electrical equipment such as air conditioners, radios are closed, so that the next time when starting the vehicle does not lead to excessive battery transient load, so as to protect the battery. forget to turn off the lights or vehicle electrical equipment, before the end of the car to turn off the lights after the shutdown is the most common, and therefore lead to a lot of owners second days battery power consumption light, the car can not start. but with the optimization of automotive products, if not closed after flameout headlamps will have voice prompts, or some vehicles in the second half minutes flameout will automatically be headlights off, thus reducing the damage to the battery forgot to turn off the headlights. but in addition to headlights, other lights, such as the car to read the lights or other electrical equipment in the car if the turn off after the turn off, may also cause the battery after a night of deep loss can not start the car. in this case, if there is a condition, you can try to charge the battery until you can start the car. otherwise it may be necessary to replace the battery. instead of spending a lot of money to replace the battery, it is better to develop good habits. the car situation using a large number of electrical equipment have a friend was tied on the road in the process of changing the spare tire in his friend in the car while listening to a song while leisurely in the open air. when the spare tire change after that the vehicle will not start up. the reason is because the car air conditioning and audio-visual equipment will be all the battery power consumption. finally had to call the trailer. a lot of people in the parking lot or on the side of the road and other friends, often listen to the song and so on. but in order to save oil, often will put out the engine, then the loss of audio and video equipment is the battery power, it is likely to lead to battery power consumption can not start the final vehicle. because the car air conditioning system and audio-visual system is a large amount of power consumption of electrical equipment, if a long time is likely to lead to battery loss can not afford the car; even if the time is not long, so often do not use the electrical equipment will damage the battery, the battery will eventually lead to early retirement. the main purpose of the battery sightseeing car is to drive the battery, so it is very important for the battery maintenance and maintenance of the battery. the following describes the battery sightseeing car battery maintenance knowledge. battery car battery surface, connecting lines and bolts should be kept clean and dry. if the electrolyte application of cotton to wipe, and then rinse with water and dry (note: in the process of cleaning, no tap water enters the cell) so as to avoid leakage and increase the self discharge, resulting in sightseeing car battery operation fault. battery car battery connection must be maintained well. always check the battery line fastening nut loose, so as not to cause a spark or burn pole. the battery cover to put metal conductive materials, in order to avoid short circuit, burn the battery. battery discharge (regardless of vehicle travel time and running kilometers) must be charged on the same day, the next day is not allowed to charge or charge more than 24 hours, or battery car battery life will be affected. sightseeing car battery battery during use, because the electrolyte water electrolysis and evaporation will cause the density increased and the level is low (especially in summer), so should be regularly checked with distilled water (water shortage will seriously affect the service life of the battery). the liquid level of the electrolyte in the battery should be in line with the highest liquid level "max"
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主营:迅启蓄电池 火炬蓄电池 合力叉车电瓶 杭州叉车电池 tcm叉车蓄电池